
A standard session runs for about 90 minutes. The whole session is done online - either through Skype or phone.
Some people have travelled a far for a session - from various parts of New Zealand, and as far as Australia and England. When someone is ready to experience major shifts of change in life, distance is not an issue and with the developments of the internet etc. we have many possibilities open to us.
We have developed a way to work with you online or over the phone in a very powerful way that will ignite change from the first session onwards. Given special circumstances, we can discuss the possibility for home visits in exceptional cases.
Public Seminar topics include:
* The other side of Depression
* Living your business of life
* The workings of your 'mind'
* Self sabotage - There is no such thing.
PAST EVENTS: Community Evening (click here for details)
* Master Keys For Change - 13th December 2011
* This Thing Called Life - November 2012
UPCOMING EVENTS: Please visit us in the new year for details.
* Master Keys For Change
* This Thing Called Life
Practitioner Training Programmes are tailored to the needs of the levels of consciousness of the attending practitioners.
* Re-Emergence Therapy
- a specialised training programme for experienced
practitioners. Certification will be provided to
attendees who fulfils the programme criteria.
* Conference Workshops and Presentations
- in specialised topics eg. the concepts of the mind,
therapy versus change, ending depression etc.
* Inspirational Speaking
Important Information
All consultations are change focused. Therapy is only one small part of the equation for change.
The intention is to
1. Enable the realisation and achievement of one's unique potential.
2. Assist people through the process of releasing the past and living a life of love, peace and trust.
3. Open new doorways into the future.
4. Empower people to effect changes in this rewarding life journey.
5. Realign one's current life focus with that which is their innate potential and purpose.
6. Awaken consciousness to the greater universal cause.

Terms and Conditions of using this website.
© 2005-2011, Pauline Kam, True Essence. All rights reserved. Last updated: on 18 January 2011.