Recommended Resources

There is so much resources available in the big world of internet marketing and I have found that while most of the material is useful and genuine, one could end up in the wheel of perpetually collecting or purchasing programmes for self development.

As previously explained in other pages of this site, I have found that more and more people have come to the stage in their lives where what they need is not therapy per say.  No matter what the issues that they feel may have been plaguing them, the shift in consciousness now requires for them to step out of their old way of being with a purposeful shift in perception.

This page has all the resources that I have personally looked at personally and consider to be of considerable value and meaning to enable and empower us to fastrack today's shifts. 


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Important things to consider when picking from this list of resources

Important things to consider when picking resources that will be of benefit to you

You and you alone will determine whether the changes you begin making today completes its cycle into fruition. I urge for you to follow your instinctual voice as a guide to determine which are the best resources that calls for your attention this day. Whether the programmes are free or for a cost ... only invest your energy in what you feel most drawn to.

Most of the resources listed here have special offers included in their packages and whilst I understand that most will sound very interesting and relevant, it is important to remember that change happens naturally and it is not the cost of the programme or the creator of the programme that determines your success.

Additionally, there are some inspirational material listed as well for those who feel a need to have reminders that will help keep their minds focused and maintain clarity of purpose.


Books and Programmes 

List to be compiled. Please revisit in the next couple of weeks. Thanks. 


Movies and DVDs 


The Opus - Movie 


The Opus Movie is the story of a young man who pursues his dream in the face of impossible challenges and succeeds - this young man is Vivaldi! This unique and powerful film features lessons from the world's top teachers and achievers .


Every person born on the planet arrives with the potential to create an incredible Opus. But only some people do. Why is that? In this spectacular follow up to the Law of Attraction you will find amazing insights from Top Achievers and Teachers on how to turn your intentions into accomplishments. In The Opus you will be shown the formula and patterns Top Achievers use to create greater abundance in Wealth, Health, Relationships and self achievement.


"To Become the best, biggest, most incredible, abundant, and spectacular YOU possible."
Experience the wisdom and lessons from the world's most influential teachers: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Dr. John Demartini, Dr. Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff, Bob Doyle and Morris "The Miracle Man" Goodman offer their nuggets of wisdom once more, with new speakers from the business world and healing arts like Frank Maguire (co-founder of FEDEX), Bill Bartmann (Forbes 400), LuAn Mitchell (Mitchell Fine Foods) and Elisabeth Fayt (RnR Wellness). This movie can change your life!



Being in Heaven (Movie) 


Inspirational Resources

3 minute Movies

The Butterfly Effect   by Andy Andrews

The wonderful story of The Butterfly Effect, that every move counts as much as any other, comes to life in this short DVD movie.

The Best Way Out is Through  by  BJ Gallagher

The Best Way Out is Through, looks at the power of perseverance to affirm the efforts many have made to stay motivated and persevere through life's many challenges encourage them to carry this momentum and attitude into new beginnings.

365 Days of Inspiration   Zig Zaglar's favourites

“People often tell me motivation doesn’t last, and I tell them that bathing doesn’t either. That’s why I recommend it daily."

Change is Good ... You Go First  

Change is Good...You Go First will help put into action the plans that include coming out of comfort zones in order to reach your goals.

The Simple Truths of Life   by Linda Ellis

Simple Truths of Life are a collection of life's lessons presented in an unforgettable way, will add joy to your day as well as the beautiful photography and music. 

Free to Watch
or Buy Online

Our deepest fear